Background to Zebra Mussels
Zebra Mussels were first discovered in Lake St Clair in 1988.
Zebra Mussels have now invaded all of the Great Lakes and over 50 Ontario lakes and rivers within the Great Lakes drainage basin.The impact of Zebra Mussels on Cottage water systems is to plug Foot Valves and have been known to locate and grow inside the actual water systems including pumps, creating odour, taste and system failures.The life cycle of Zebra Mussels start as an egg moving onto larvae, developing to plantigrade larvae before becoming a juvenile mussel and finally an adult mussel.The biofouling stage begins with the settled plantigrade form which attaches to solid surfaces in the lakes by laying down a foot.*
Other issues are the change in the eco system food chain due to the very rapid growth and reproduction of Zebra Mussels.
While our initial concern is to provide protection to cottage water system we have a concern for the much wider issue relating to the reduction or elimination of the Zebra Mussel and its broader environmental impact.
The HANFLO™ Filter Sock may not completely eliminate the minute Zebra Mussel eggs entering your Cottage Water System.
However it is an issue we are currently developing a solution for.
We welcome any feedback on how we may be able to help further with this problem or how use of any HANFLO™ products has affected your Cottage Water System...
Click here to contact us by email
* Reference: Zebra Mussel Biofouling Control in Cottage and Other Small Volume Water Systems commissioned by the Georgian Bay Association 1999. |